Permanent residence permit in Ukraine on the grounds of making a foreign investment

Investments in the Ukrainian economy in the amount of USD 100,000 (may be changed).
- The Law of Ukraine “On Immigration” as amended on 20.10.2023
Resolution “On Amendments to the - Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1983 dated December 26, 2002 and No. 321 dated April 25, 2018»
Persons who have made a foreign investment in the economy of Ukraine in foreign convertible currency in the amount of not less than 100 (one hundred) thousand US Dollars, registered in the manner determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
Making a foreign investment can be carried out by way of creating own company or participation in the authorized capital of the created enterprise. But an investment must meet the following obligatory features:
- to make an investment in foreign convertible currency (US Dollars, Euros, etc.)
- to be equivalent to at least one hundred thousand US dollars (may be changed)
- to be registered in accordance with the procedure established by law
- to be an investment in the economy of Ukraine, that is, for the purpose of conducting economic activity, making a profit or achieving another social effect.
Does the purchase of housing in Ukraine provide the right to permanent residence?
No. Even if the cost of an apartment or house exceeds 100 000 USD, the right of ownership of such housing does not provide the right to immigration, since the purchase of an apartment or house for one’s own needs is not considered an investment and should not be registered by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.
- It is necessary to provide a certificate of no criminal record in the country of citizenship and medical certificates (Сertificate on the state of health);
- There is a limit for registration of permanent residence for a certain number of people per year – within the established quota.
Resolution “On Amendments to the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1983 dated December 26, 2002 and No. 321 dated April 25, 2018”
- Article 5. Powers of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
- The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine:
1) determines the procedure for the formation of an immigration quota and sets the immigration quota and the period of validity of such a quota;
{Clause 1 of Article 5 as amended by the Law No. 3180-IX dated 29.06.2023}
Article 4. The grounds for granting immigration permit and immigration quota
{Name of Article 4 as amended by the Law No. 3180-IX dated 29.06.2023} - Permit for immigration is granted to immigrants whose categories are defined in Part two and Part three of this Article. In case of mass arrival of immigrants to Ukraine for the state regulation of the immigration process on the proposal of the central executive body implementing the state policy in the field of migration (immigration and emigration), including сombating illegal migration, citizenship, registration of individuals, refugees and other categories of migrants determined by the current legislation; the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine establishes an immigration quota in the manner determined by it.
{The First Part of Article 4 as amended by the Law No. 3180-IX dated 29.06.2023}
The immigration quota can be established for the following categories of immigrants:
{The First subparagraph, Part Two, Article 4 as amended by the Law No. 3180-IX dated 29.06.2023}
3) persons who have made a foreign investment in the Ukrainian economy in foreign convertible currency in the amount of at least 100 (one hundred) thousand US Dollars;
{Clause 3, Part Second, Article 4 as amended by the Law No. 1390-VIII dated 31.05.2016}